If you clicked on this page you’re probably wondering how to flirt with a Dutch guy. The truth is that there is no specific rule or guidebook on dating Dutch men. In any country, first, you should explore and educate yourself on the cultural norms and differences. After getting familiarized, move forward and apply these tips when talking to the person you’ve got your eye on or for the next date. And while these tips can be used in many places in the world, remember that no two people or nationalities are alike. What may work for one Dutch guy may not work on another. Just remember to be compassionate and open-minded, this way you will have no trouble flirting with a Dutch guy.
Be Direct and Straightforward
The Dutch value honesty and have little to no ambiguity in their communication. You know that saying that, ‘honesty is the best policy’? Well, the Dutch prescribe to this so I recommend being forward with your intentions. The best thing you can do is tell him that you are interested. Ask him if he’d like to grab a drink or head to the movies. If you enjoy the same music tell him that the band you both like is playing in town and suggest going together. I know this can be difficult for those of us that are shy. But let me say from my own experience that it has done me more good than bad. Also, don’t be afraid to ask him all kinds of questions, it shows interest.
Learn Some Dutch
This one is pretty obvious but it’s always nice to converse with someone in their native tongue. I’m not saying you need to be fluent but there’s a 90% chance your date will ask if you know any Dutch. Trust me, he will ask. Learn some basic Dutch phrases if you can.
Keep it Casual
I’m talking outfit, makeup and even the place you’re meeting up for a date. The advice is not to be too fancy and over the top. Meeting up for drinks or a quick bite to eat is typical. Don’t be surprised if your date shows up in jeans and a shirt. This doesn’t mean you should not dress to impress, but for example, arriving in 6-inch heels is not the most ‘practical’ thing and may confuse him. The Dutch like to keep it casual especially for first dates and getting to know one another in the early stages. This doesn’t mean that going out to a nice restaurant won’t happen but this will happen naturally as your relationship progresses.
Have a Good Sense of Humor
The Dutch love humor and it’s even embedded in the language. Make jokes and don’t take yourself too seriously. A good suggestion is to learn a few opening lines. He may find them funny or want to spend some time teaching you new ones that actually work!
Be Yourself – It’s the best way on how to flirt with a Dutch guy
Show your genuine interest and be down to earth. Why be something you’re not? When dating we usually put our best face forward to impress the other person. Don’t sugarcoat it. Dutch culture is practical (this may be from the Calvinistic influence) and not too fond of overdoing things. Be yourself, be friendly and he may take a natural interest in you.
1 comment
That’s great advice for any culture.
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