I’m here to clear the misconceptions of long-distance relationships. Just because you are geographically separated does not mean your relationship will not succeed. Most people are natural skeptics and I can already hear them disagreeing with me. Actually, long distances can work and be amazing if both partners are mutually invested and committed.
I feel credible enough to tell you this since my boyfriend and I are perfect examples. We have endured four years of long-distance through three different countries. The farthest distance between us was 5000 miles, one continent, and a nine-hour time difference. I would like to tell the skeptics that it was all worth it; every long drive, train ride, airplane, and bike route. He and I have closed the 5,000-mile gap and now live together in the same city.
However, let’s be realistic, LDR’s can be quite challenging and difficult. Reuniting after time apart can seem like a whirlwind fairytale romance. The truth is that it’s not like this all the time; you will spend a lot of time distanced from the one you love. This is why I would like to share with you my effective tips for surviving a long distance relationship. These are tried and true and I hope they can help you on your journey.
Be Truthful to Yourself and Sincerely ask if you can do this
This is on the top of the list for a reason. Long distance relationships are not for everyone. There are important questions that you should ask yourself and your partner: Can I commit to this person while being physically apart? Do I trust this person? Do I have trust issues? Do they or I have jealousy issues? What is the maximum amount of time we can be away from one another? Can we communicate regularly and on a set routine? How can we better close the distance? What are your long-term goals? It’s important to talk about these things if you want to make it work.
Keep Yourself Busy

It’s hard not to constantly think about the other person when so far away. So why don’t you start that new hobby you were always interested in? Get out of the house and hang out with your friends. Spend some time with your family or try volunteering for the community. When I was living in London I would see my boyfriend every month or two at a time. I spent a lot of my time at the gym, solo exploring and finding new hobbies! Don’t stop your life just because he or she isn’t there with you. Whether an LDR or not, relationships are all about balance, so you’re are totally capable of doing things when your partner is not around.
Planning is Essential
With all the time and distance away from one other you will both need something to look forward to. Plan for the weekend away, holidays, and vacations! Plan for a time to see each other in the future. It may be days, weeks, or even months away but having that time planned will give you something to look forward to and not be sad or uncertain of the next time.
Keep the Dates Coming Along
Just like any relationship, in a long distance one, you will need time to connect with your partner. This means courting and keeping the spark alive like you would in person. You might be thinking just how can I plan a date when my partner is halfway around the world? No matter the distance there are numerous ways to have a romantic time together.
If you need inspiration, I wrote about the best date ideas for a long distance relationship like having a virtual movie night or making cocktails. Throughout the years of my relationship spent apart, I found that taking the time to think of creative dates really kept the spark alive. It comes as a close second on my list of ultimate long distance relationship tips.
It takes Two to Tango
Every relationship is a mutual effort (and sacrifice) and in an LDR you better crank that up a couple of extra notches. Are you on the same page and have the same end goal in mind? For instance, if one of you is committed to closing the distance and the other cannot envision that anytime soon-I highly recommend reconsidering your next steps.
Foster Healthy Communication
When in an LDR you always want to be with your partner so be sure to make it a priority to check in with them and catch up. I say healthy communication because you both have to compromise what works best. When it was nighttime for the boyfriend I was barely starting my day. We always made an effort to greet each other and talk, and on the weekends when we had more time we would video call for a few hours.
Also, being so far away, communicating by technology can lead to some misunderstandings when compared to speaking face to face. Be as honest and clear as you can with your communication and I cannot stress to let your mind wander to assumption and let it dictate the course of your relationship.
Heed everyone’s Advice but with Caution: One of The Vital Tips for Surviving a Long Distance Relationship
Your friends and family always have your best interest at heart. So try not to get upset if they question your relationship, it’s actually quite understandable if they do. These may be some of the standard questions: How can you make a relationship work if they are in another country? What does she think he/she is doing? Do you really trust him/her? Believe me, if these don’t come up I guarantee someone will ask you. Don’t let it get to you but understand that others may have their reservations.
Use the Distance as an Opportunity to Travel & Rekindle Your Bond

This has got to be one of the biggest perks of being long distance. It’s so exciting to meet each other in another country or city and explore and share experiences together. We both decided to meet in Marrakech, Morocco and it was one of the most memorable trips we have taken. Discovering the wonders and beauty of a country we both never visited – I was so blessed to have these experiences with someone I cherished.
There Needs to be a Time Limit
Yes, this also refers to how long you can be apart before seeing each other again. But what I’m mainly referring to is the need to know when things end or one of you has to go back to their respective country or job back home, what will essentially happen afterward. Will you share a life together? Will one of you be relocating? Get engaged, move in together..?
Just Stay Positive
This tip is pretty self-explanatory. Long distance can already be quite challenging and so having a negative mindset is really going to set your relationship back (or probably end it). There are great aspects to LDR so try to focus on the good as well.
The Beneficial Tips for Surviving a Long Distance Relationship

This brings me to the end of this article. I last mentioned that there are being great aspects to an LDR and I hope you can recognize the light of these too. Here are beneficial tips for surviving a long distance relationship.
Deeper Appreciation for one Another
When you have such limited time together you tend to appreciate the actual time you do get to spend in person. You value quality time and do not take one another for granted.
Improved Communication Skills
Frankly, you have no choice but to improve your communication as this is the main lifeline of your relationship. You will learn how to listen effectively. You will learn your communication style and your partner’s, not to blame the other but look inside yourself and be honest of your mistakes and take ownership, expressing your expectations instead of dancing around them or assuming the other will know. The list goes on but watches this improved communication style come across in your personal and professional life.
Growing as an individual
Whether I had a boyfriend or not growth would be eventual. However, this specific relationship has developed me into a person I never envisioned five years ago. I moved, worked, and studied across three countries, learned two languages, pushed myself out of my comfort zone various times, picked up cool projects, and am still stunned by the woman I am today compared to that shy 21-year-old.
A Stronger Relationship
You can survive nearly anything that comes your way if you’re able to get through this. I guarantee that the bond of your relationship will strengthen and grow, you will feel more connected, appreciative of one another and it would take an incredible force to break it down.
My husband of nearly 19 years and I were long distance through college. It sucked being so far away from each other BUT we were able to grow as individuals and gain the independence that many of my college classmates did not. If you are committed and willing to make sacrifices it can pay off in the end.
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